Mental Fitness Collective

Gerard Theoret | Jesse Cheetham | Kerrie Alanen

Mental fitness, akin to physical fitness, demands regular practice; otherwise, it risks weakening over time.

A Group Training to Maintain Mental Fitness

Kerrie Alanen

We are dedicated to fostering mental fitness, empowering individuals to realize their authentic potential for both personal happiness and meaningful contribution.

The journey toward health, happiness, and peak performance hinges on our ability to swiftly transition from anxiety-fueled reactions or emotional turbulence to a state of serene clarity and focused action. Our minds wield immense power, often undermining our potential for both fulfillment and success. It’s within this internal landscape that negative emotions, including stress, take root—a manifestation of our own self-sabotaging tendencies. The mastery of this internal challenge is what we call Mental Fitness.

Mental Fitness Must be Practiced, or it Will Atrophy.

Mental fitness, akin to physical fitness, demands regular practice; otherwise, it risks weakening over time.
The concept of Mental Fitness, rooted in Positive Intelligence—a philosophy outlined in Shirzad Chamine’s acclaimed book and Stanford lectures—finds its foundation in extensive research involving over 500,000 participants across 50 countries, including CEOs, students, elite athletes, as well as sales, operations, and technology teams.

Most attempts to instigate positive changes often falter because they halt at mere insights without solidifying habits. To truly shift towards a more positive mindset requires the establishment of neural pathways through consistent daily practice.  It’s simplicity in learning and application facilitates a transition from anxiety-driven responses to composed, solution-oriented actions.

Mental Fitness Collective Introductory 7-week Training

Kerrie Alanen

The Mental Fitness Collective offers the following three tailored programs and retreats, aimed at mastering Mental Fitness, providing an immersive environment to learn and refine these crucial skills.

Our training program is meticulously designed to elevate individual performance and well-being by harnessing the power of Positive Intelligence and our own MFC mental fitness training:

  1.  The journey begins with a comprehensive half-day introductory training session focused on Positive Intelligence. This session serves as a foundation, providing insights and tools to kickstart your mental fitness journey.
  2. To further support your progress, participants gain exclusive access to the PQ Mental Fitness App, which is a treasure trove of exercises, practices, and resources tailored to enhance your mental fitness on a day-to-day basis. It’s a tool that empowers you to continue your growth beyond the training sessions.
  3. Prior to diving into the training, individuals undergo Pre-Training Assessments and receive personalized Reports. These assessments serve as a benchmark, offering insights into individual strengths.
  4. Throughout the program, participants benefit from Individualized PQ Mental Fitness Coaching. This personalized coaching ensures that each individual receives tailored guidance, support, and strategies to maximize their mental fitness potential.
  5. For leaders invested in honing their PQ practice, our program includes PQ Leader Pod Activities designed to deepen and refine the practice of Positive Intelligence among leaders, fostering a culture of mental fitness within leadership roles.
  6. Our layered, multifaceted approach to Positive Intelligence mental fitness training is geared not just towards immediate growth but also long-term development. It’s a holistic framework that empowers individuals to optimize their performance, enhance their well-being, and cultivate a mindset geared towards sustained success and fulfillment.

Mental Fitness Gym

Our MFC Gym stands as a nurturing space for individuals committed to elevating their mental well-being, building resilience, and fostering a supportive community dedicated to personal growth.

Seize the opportunity to prioritize your well-being and unleash your potential. Enroll now to embark on this collective journey toward mental fitness.

Here’s what the gym offers:

  • Access to a variety of gym sessions facilitated by a rotation of 2 to 3 coaches, potentially featuring guest coaches/facilitators.
  • Monthly 30-minute one-on-one coaching sessions with your preferred coach.
  • An exclusive Group App for ongoing community support and accountability partnerships.
  • Weekly access to three Mental Fitness coaches via email for guidance and support.
  • Special discounted fees for quarterly and annual retreats (more details to be announced as we progress).

Join us and let’s cultivate mental fitness together!

Mental Fitness Retreats and Leadership Training

While our core program forms the foundation, we also find immense value in immersive experiences such as half-day training sessions or weekend retreats. These specialized sessions, facilitated by our diverse team, delve deeper into various aspects of mental fitness, responding to requests from our gym members or exploring new topics.

Our retreats are held locations across Alberta and British Columbia ranging from half-day getaways to extensive 2.5-day excursions. They offer profound insights into mental fitness, wellness, meditation, neuroinclusion, neurodiversity and neuroplasticity. Stay connected for updates, and don’t hesitate to contact our team for further details if you’re keen on discovering more.

Meet Our Amazing Team!

Gerard Theoret

First and foremost Gerard believes that whatever our walk of life, we are all creative artists designing our lives in collaboration with the world around us and within us.

His professional career spans more than 40 years as a performer, teacher, director, coach, choreographer, producer in higher education, dance, theatre, opera and circus arts on four continents. 

All of the above provided numerous opportunities to guide, inspire, coach, and advise. Shifting his career to Life Coaching was as natural, seamless and pleasantly challenging as could be.

Boosting these considerable experiences with Coach and Leadership training from Co-Active Training Institute with its quest for curiosity and honesty and receiving his training and Certification from Positive Intelligence’s science based findings have only increased his appetite for studying and learning from the human condition.

His formal education includes an Associate Degree in Pedagogy from Ryerson University, a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Cornish College of the Arts, and a postgraduate Diploma from the Drama Studio – London. His practical education he credits to his years as a soloist with Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, as touring Artistic Director of Livent’s The Phantom of the Opera and as Artistic Director of Cirque du Soleil’s Corteo and principal character Le Baron in Saltimbanco.

Kerrie Alanen

Jesse Cheethan

Jesse’s career trajectory showcases a relentless commitment to transforming traditional HR paradigms into progressive, people-centric strategies that drive organizational success. With an extensive background in Human Resources leadership, he has solidified his reputation as an innovative thinker, continuously challenging the status quo to instigate positive change.

At the helm of Jesse’s philosophy lies an unwavering dedication to cultivating inclusive and empowering workplace cultures. His vision extends beyond mere HR operations, striving to establish high-trust environments where each individual’s potential is nurtured and celebrated. Jesse fervently champions the belief that employee fulfillment and happiness are not just ideals but essential components for sustained growth and prosperity.

Jesse’s multifaceted expertise traverses the intricate landscape of mental fitness and HR functionalities. From architecting robust frameworks that align with core values to spearheading intricate change management endeavours, Jesse consistently demonstrates an adeptness in guiding executive leadership and fostering seamless acquisitions. His adeptness in nurturing employee relations, cultures driving mental fitness and orchestrating dynamic performance management systems underscores his comprehensive approach to enhancing organizational effectiveness and positions him as a catalyst for driving organizational and cultural evolution.

Kerrie Alanen

Kerrie Alanen

Kerrie is an executive coach known for her pioneering leadership and strategic insight. Her expertise is centered on crafting bold communication strategies and implementing transformative change management systems. She places a premium on fostering inclusive, culture-centric approaches within her consulting practice. Kerrie is deeply dedicated to delivering accessible yet impactful strategies that foster robust mental fitness growth and development among her clients.

With a BCom in HR from the University of Alberta, Kerrie holds certifications including Chartered Professional Human Resources (CPHR), Senior Human Resources Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), and Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). Additionally, she is a Certified Coach and Trainer of the 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™. Currently completing her certification as a Positive Intelligence PQ – Mental Fitness Coach by spring 2024, Kerrie is concurrently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Professional Studies in Transdisciplinary Organizational Neuroscience at Middlesex University. This academic pursuit underscores her unwavering commitment to significantly contributing to the advancement of neuroplasticity in the workplace.

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